Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pop pop goes the bubble wrap

May 12/10

I have the best job IN the world.

Okay, let me take that back - because jobs change. I have the best calling IN the world. The best part about it is that it is "IN the world".

Now i'm not knockin' those who feel called to cloister themselves away and live their lives and worship separate from the world, because Lord knows that there are days that I'd like to go spend a weekend at their house for some peace and quiet!

But there is always the fight. The fight. THE FIGHT!
That is the calling that woos me out of my place of retreat as a lover calls to his beloved (see Song of Songs 2:10) but also as a Commander directs his soldiers to the battlefront calling: "To the front! The cry is ringing. To the front! Your place is there!"(see Salvation Army Songbook #702) I love my Jesus because He is a Lover and Friend, but He is also my Commanding officer, and He calls me forward into battle.

It sounds romantic to a salvo greatheart, or corny to a post-mod, but down here this Kingdom Advance stuff isn't complicated and it's not a mystery. This week my battleground was to pay special attention to a very lonely autistic homeless boy at our family shelter. It was to rejoice with women graduating from a life skills program and tcover them in the Lord's blessing as their chaplain. It was to weep with a community that mourned the passing of a 6 week old baby, as their friend and it was to share time and prayer with a dear comrade recently bereaved. And it's only Wednesday, praise God!

None of these activities took any particular special talent, schooling, funding or intellect. However, they DID require me to be attentive to Holy Spirit and then just to show up physically as well as spiritually and be ready to speak, or be silent, to listen or to act.

This is not sentimental nonsense or oversimplified Gospel - it is the Kingdom of God advancing in Charlotte, North Carolina and Kingdom Advance anywhere takes soldiers who don't love their lives so much that they shrink from death OR tears & sadness, awkward moments, strong emotions, injustice, brokenness and outright depravity. It's having JesusLife - and having it to the full rather than a lifestyle covered in 'bubble wrap' keeping me safe from harm but insulated from experiencing anything transparent, authentic, raw.

Indeed, since I've begun pilgrimage with Jesus I have walked through more hurt, rejection and hardship, made more difficult decisions, gone without and left loved ones behind when I've been called onward. But when I'm with the King, none of these sacrifices is damaging to me the way it was before my heart was His - because it's part of my salvation and my coveanant to share in His sufferings as well as His blessing. To share in His heart and when it is offered, to drink from His cup.

In Philippians 1:27, The Message I read:

"There's far more to this life than trusting Christ, there's also suffering for Him. And the suffering is as much a gift as the trusting."

I will receive every gift that comes from my Father with thanksgiving and consider it a privilege that He trusts me with some of his dearest here on earth.
And so I reiterate, that I have the best calling IN the world, because the One who has called me is gracious, merciful and faithful. Hall-le-lu-jah!

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